Growth Engine Theory

Growth Engine Theory

What Is A Growth Engine?

​Quite simply, if an organization engages with more customers, more efficiently, converts more of them and maximizes their value, there are more resources available to reinvest and repeat the cycle. Creating a healthy growth engine requires a holistic review of the different customer touchpoints. A set of initiatives can then be defined and implemented to kickstart the growth cycle.

One of the main concerns for any business or budget owner is knowing that the money they invest is being used to its maximum benefit. This is where growth engine theory originates from. 

Example: Your site attracts 100K new unique monthly visitors, has a conversion rate to purchase of 2% and your customers averagely purchase 3 items in their lifetime for a combined value of $1000. 

If only one of those metrics ticks up as a direct result of increased resourcing you would generate more revenue but it wouldn't be the best possible return you could achieve. If all of those metrics are tweaked positively it would have a highly significant impact on revenue and lifetime value as the entire engine is more efficient (not just a single element). 

A powerful action plan defines a series of initiatives around each customer touchpoint concurrently, enabling the best return on investment.

Here are some high-level examples of initiatives...


- Reducing cost per clicks
​- Investing in the most profitable segments
- ​Test new channels
​- Define the correct KPIs


- Improve the User Experience
- Reduce friction
- Conduct experiments
​- Test promotions and messaging
- Provide the right help


- ​Cross-Sell & Up-Sell
- Create loyalty
- Develop a relationship with your consumers
- Increase the perceived value of your product or service
- Excellence in customer service


​- Smartly allocate the increased resources generated to additional Acquisition, Conversion and Maximization initiatives

Your Growth Engine

All organizations are unique and are at different stages in building out their growth engines. I can help you identify initiatives to produce long term growth by diagnosing areas for improvement.

While it is optimal to design multiple initiatives in tandem to produce the strongest results, I can also work with you on specific areas of focus.

Contact me to find out more. 

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